Monday, June 18, 2007


So yesterday was Father's Day, and while I know it has nothing to do with our European vacation, and any other year I would let it pass without a thought, I think it merits a blog mention.

As some of you know, I recently reconciled with my estranged father, after an incommunicative silence of almost twenty years. At first it was just pride that kept us from talking, then it was some kind of need to prove I didn't need him, and then it was just a low priority for me. But both of us have had some personal changes in the last year or so, and it seemed like the right time to talk again.

There was no big, tearful reunion or music-swelling MOW moment ("Don't you see? You always loved that horse more than me!" "Oh, God, no, son! Is that what you thought?") but we had a nice lunch and left it open to future conversations.

In any case, this is probably interesting to no one but myself (and him), but for what it's worth, Happy Father's Day, Dad. Thanks for making my life possible, I've sure been enjoying it.

And now, back to your regularly scheduled entertainment, already in progress...

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